Martin Luther King Jr. Resources
National Geo Kids
A primary resource for teaching about the life and impact of Martin Luther King Jr.
Click Here
Encyclopedia Britannica Elementary
A biography of Martin Luther King Jr., tailored for students in grades 3-4
Click Here
Percy Jackson Read Alikes
Books that use mythology as the basis to a fantasy adventure.
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Middle School Gratitude Books
Gratitude is more than just a happy feeling. Science has found the being grateful helps our mental and physical health and helps us make and keep friends. These books have characters that learn how practicing gratitude can help them.
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Middle School Native American Heritage Month Books
Books by Native American authors and/or about Native American history and characters.
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Middle School Hispanic/Latin American Heritage Month Books
Books by Hispanic/Latinx and/or with Hispanic/Latinx characters.
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Middle School Jewish American Heritage Month Books
Books by Jewish American authors and/or Jewish American characters.
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Middle School Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month Books
Books by AAPI authors and/or AAPI characters.
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